Bug reports, requests for support and new features can be submitted at the project's web page located here.
If you found a bug, it will help the maintainers fix the problem and test it if you follow the process below before submitting a bug report.
The version of gnochm you are running;
The system you are using (e.g. Fedora Core 3, Mandrake 9.2, etc.);
The type of the gnochm distribution you used - RPM, source, other?;
Versions of the following programs/libraries:
A good description of how to re-create the problem. If the bug only shows up when you open a particular file, provide a pointer to where the file can be obtained, so we can verify our fix;
A log file. On unix, gnochm log files are saved as ~/.gnochm.log, and are generated when you run gnochm with the "-d" command line option.